I am so pleased with the stellar quality, craftsmanship and attention to detail I see in this bag. I plan to wear it with everything! The dust bag it comes with is so soft and the box presentation is impeccable, minimal and really gives you the feeling of love and pride that has gone into making this piece. This is my first Pegai bag and I will definitely keep my eye on future products! Though it will be difficult to de-throne this beauty from it's spot as my favorite bag to date. Very happy customer! Keep up the great work.
I’m obsessed with this bag! It’s beautifully made—the leather is great, zipper and hardware are good quality, and the interior lining is lovely as well. As a larger person who 5’10”, one of my common complaints about some bags is that the crossbody straps can be too short for me. However there are enough holes in this strap to provide me enough length (crossbody picture on the longest hole). My only con is that I bought the “burgundy” colored bag—however it is more like a deep cherry red than a true burgundy/wine shade. I still absolutely love it, and had a feeling this would be the case when looking at photos online. However I would recommend they perhaps change the name. I tried to take a photo next to a red sweater in my wardrobe, another Syrah colored handbag I own, and a purple-burgundy sweater. Overall though I’m absolutely in love, I’m tempted to get another bag in the tan if it comes back in stock.
I love the quality, color, and size. Very practical for every day, holds all my essentials and a little more!