Love the color and quality, only thing I change is the size and make it bigger or give us the option and I would pay the difference. The bag is sturdy, the smell is so nice you can smell the leather. The workmanship is very nice and high quality.
The quality of the Dopp kit appears to be outstanding, however, from a practical standpoint it is way too small and the zipper opening is tight. It would be very hard to put items into this kit. I would not recommend it.
I love the leather quality and actually love that it's a rather compact dopp kit. My issue is that it's rather cramped, so I'll need to downsize some of my toiletries, and also a bit frustrating to use because the kit doesn't open very wide, so I can't open the bag to search for things -- I have to reach and pull things out one by one, and scrape my hands against the zippers every time.
Overall, I'll keep using it and hope it wears into something more flexible, but I do wish the design was a bit more user friendly.
5 stars review from juliecamp497
5 stars review from ianseanmomma
Gorgeous leather and well made
So beautiful! Arrived SO fast. Came within a week and I did not purchase faster shipping.